Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What does this blog's URL mean?

Before anyone asks that question, here's the breakdown:

andy: my nickname from days of yore - Andy Boy (from my uncles'), Bad Andy (college nickname after the pizza advert 'Bad Andy - Good Pizza'), Hollywood Andy (after I was on a news clip when interviewed at college if I felt safe on campus, what???), Handy Andy (wife's name for me as I'm useful around the house and skilled with tools).

kelele: Swahili for 'Shout'. Yes, I'm loud, ask anyone who knows me well. Too damn loud.

why andykelele? that's because all the other ones were taken.

Q: Why the swahili name for your blog, andy, when you're indian?
A: Well, buddy, I'm of Indian descent, but I was born and raised in Kenya (my paternal grandparents were born there too), and I'm an American now. So, I have an identity crisis and henceforth call myself a 'human'. What are you?

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